Hennigan Engineering has been a leader in providing condenser and heat exchanger tube cleaning services to the nuclear and fossil power industries.
Given the job parameters, we successfully implement Chemical Cleaning, Mechanical Cleaning (brushes, metal/plastic scrapers, abrasive balls) and High Pressure Water Jetting. Proper assessment of the conditions affecting each power plant is crucial in choosing the correct course of action. We work closely with our clients to offer a comprehensive cleaning solution, taking into account tube base metal compositions, base metal conditions, corrosion control, fouling agent, scale composition, cleaning window, safety and environmental concerns.
We have custom designed our High Pressure Water Jetting Systems to perform far beyond the capability of off-the-shelf equipment utilizing specialized High Pressure Water Jetting Equipment to enable Hennigan Engineering to provide the best cleaning tool for each application. With 360 degree cleaning and pressures from 10,000 psi to 40,000 psi, Hennigan Engineering can remove the most extreme tube fouling to design base metal, without damage to the tube.
Looking over a long history of Hennigan’s service to Canal Electric Company, I wanted to take the opportunity to commend you for many jobs well done! In an era of uncertainty, it is reassuring to have the certainty of reliability, professionalism, and the commitment of excellence in service.Canal Electric
In conclusion, it is Design Engineering’s recommendation to use Hennigan Engineering to clean any of the-RBS heat exchangers during RF-3 that need cleaning. Hennigan’s past performance plus their patented hydrolasing tip make them the logical choice to use here at RBSRiverbend Nuclear Group
I would like to take this time to express the quality of work that Hennigan Engineering performed during the repair of the USNS Gordon for Boston Ship Repair, Inc. Hennigan Engineering showed professionalism in all aspects of the work that was performed in the shipyard. Work was done in a timely and efficient manner.Boston Ship Repair, Inc.
Or give us a call directly to discuss your heat exchanger cleaning needs: