As the age of federally mandated deregulation takes shape and with the vast new regulations set upon coal fired power plants Hennigan Engineering is dedicated to providing services that allow utilities to prosper in a competitive environment.
Restoring peak performance has always been our standard – not our goal. Teamwork remains a key factor in our success, not merely teamwork within our operation, but teamwork with our clients. As the progression toward reduced outage durations continues, we work closely with our clients, focusing on pre-planning and detail in a cooperative effort to complete every project Safely, On Time and Within Budget. We invite the challenges of the future and respect the opportunity to service your needs.
As cost control mandates efficiency at every level of operations, we augment the needs of the industry by designing and implementing innovative cleaning systems which employ state-of-the-art equipment to extract the maximum efficiency out of every component we service. From the smallest Stator Cooler to the largest Main Condenser, from ½ inch ICI Guide Tubing to 20-foot diameter Intake Piping , restoring peak performance has always been our standard – not our goal.
Our commitment to the power generating industry began in 1967. Since then, Hennigan Engineering has provided the power generating industry with the personnel and specialized equipment necessary to maintain their performance-related equipment at optimum efficiency. In doing so, our clients have realized tens of millions of dollars in additional generating revenue.
As cost control mandates efficiency at every level of operations, we augment the needs of the industry by designing and implementing innovative cleaning systems, which employ state-of-the-art equipment to extract the maximum efficiency out of every component we service. From the smallest Stator Cooler to the largest Main Condenser, from 1 inch boiler piping to 20 foot diameter Intake Piping . . . we get the job done right.
Below is an abbreviated list of services, that Hennigan Engineering. provides to fossil-fueled power providers:
Precipitator Cleaning
Flue Gas Scrubber Cleaning
SCR Cleaning
Drain Cleaning and Video Inspection
Penthouse and Duct Work Vacuum Services
Sand Blasting for Weld Inspection
Boiler Tube Profiling For Inspection
Ash Pond Dredging Services
Fan Cleaning
Fire Box Deslagging and Cleaning
Economizer Cleaning